Friday, July 22, 2011

Adventures with Vegetables: Week 6

Starting to get a little more color.
On to week 6! This week we got:

- 2 lbs. carrots
- 2 scarlet turnips
- 1 bunch green onions
- 1 bunch collards
- 1 bunch Swiss chard
- 2 heads lettuce
- 1 bunch parsley

So many carrots in the share this week! But we love carrots, so it's okay. In an attempt to do something with our massive shelf of green onions, I searched online for recipes and found this hummus recipe that used them, AND parsley. It looked easy, so I made it. It was easy, although messy when it wouldn't all fit in my tiny food processor. And it wasn't the best hummus in the world. It tasted good, but it wasn't the creamy delicious hummus we usually get at Kroger. I later found out here that there's a secret to achieving that. Next time, I'll remember that. But it did use up some green onions and helped me consume a large amount of carrots and turnips.

That's a lot of hummus!

I also made fennel pork with roasted kohlrabi, sauteed chard and some sort of potatoes. I'm not real sure why I bought the potatoes, I'm sure I had a reason and then forgot about it, but I needed to use them. Apparently, I can think of nothing else to do with greens than sautee them. They taste pretty good (to me at least), but I have found that they don't reheat very well. The kohlrabi was delicious as always, and I do miss getting those.

As for the rest, Luis used the collards in his chaufa (fried rice), among other veggies. The parsley is still in our fridge and used periodically. I don't know what we did with the lettuce, probably ate it on sandwiches or something.

In next week's share: deliciousness that is summer squash and zucchini!

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