Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Goals Twentyeleven

I usually don't make resolutions or goals or anything for the New Year, but I feel like 2011 is going to be a big year and should be recognized as thus. Therefore, my goals:

-exercise more
I know this is the most clichéd of goals/resolutions, but nonetheless, still something I want to do. I do alright with exercising when it's warm out and can run, but now that it's cold I need to find something else to do.
- cook real meals more often
This will be difficult to do until I finish school, but I'm really tired of eating pasta all the time and would like to branch out.
- get my Masters
This one should be easy to keep! I can't wait until May!
-celebrate said Masters with a trip somewhere I've never been
I'm looking at you, Peru!
-learn Spanish
If I ever get that Rosetta Stone program loaded on my computer, I'm going to start on learning Spanish once again, especially if we make it to Peru.
- get a new job
Another cliché of a goal, but one that I think I can make happen with aforementioned Masters
- go to Boston
It's been too long! Preferably in the warmer months.
- spend more quality time with Amber and Gabriel
Since they've moved to KY, I get to see these kids a ton, but only for short periods and usually there's other stuff going on. Since I don't know how long they'll be in KY (or me and Luis for that matter) I want to spend time doing fun things with them.
- have Marielly up for a visit in the summer
I love spending time with Luis' little sister and would love to be able to spend some quality time with just her. This one might be hard to do with our travel plans/job hunting.
-see Jill and Kathy
Also not sure how this will work out, but if we can make it happen, it'll be awesome.
- read less
I'm probably the only person in the world who wants to read LESS. I do love reading and spend a lot of time doing it, but I think I could spend less time reading and more time doing other things. I think I get so immersed in my books that I tend to ignore everything else around me. So I'd like to read less and try other things, like getting back into photography and conquering Goldeneye Wii.

Yup, it looks like 2011 is going to be an interesting year.

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