Sunday, January 31, 2010

hello full-time job!

This is kind of long-winded and rambling, but the highlight of it is that I got a full-time job at WTVQ as a Director after waiting for over a year. And I'm discovering that the more I direct, the more I like it.

At long last my dream has come true! Well, my dream for now that is. As of Monday Feb. 8 I will move to a full-time position with WTVQ. I will now be Full-time Director Sam and reap all of the benefits it comes with. Needless to say, I'm stoked. I've been smiling the whole time since it was official and also thinking. When I was in college I became unsure as to whether I would enjoy a career in TV/Video and began pondering if I had made the right choice. But I wanted to finish my degree (I never liked the idea of quitting) and ended up with a Production Tech job at WKYT. I worked there for a year and a half and didn't really like it. It was boring and repetitive and there was a lot of time where I sat around and did nothing. Near the end of my time there I began thinking about a new career path and started thinking about being a librarian (something I had considered long ago). Once I lost my job and had some extra time on my hands I began preparing to get a Masters in Library Science. Somewhere along the line I started working part-time at WTVQ. When the station added a show I was offered the chance to become a director. I knew that it was the only path to a full-time job there so I accepted, not sure if I would really enjoy it. That was in November 2008. I've been directing for a little over a year, and am now almost halfway done with my Masters (it's only a 4 semester program) and am starting to doubt my career choice yet again. There are a lot of things I don't like about my job, but that's not important right now. What is important is that there are a lot of things I DO like about it. I've discovered that I really love directing. I never had any desire to do so, but now that I have done it, I enjoy it. And I'm good at it. I love going into the studio and the talent being like "you were directing that? you did a really great job!" or "that was a really clean show." or even, "way to stay calm when everything went wrong." I like being good at something, it feels good. When I told the weekend talent that I may be moving to weekdays once a new weekend director is trained they were upset and said they'd miss my clean shows. So once again, I wonder if library science is the right career path for me. I know that we'll be in Lexington a little while longer while Luis finishes his degree, so there is no reason for me to not finish my Masters. But sometimes I wonder if I will enjoy the library as much as TV. TV is fast-paced and exciting, and there's so much pressure to get everything right because you don't get to do it again. When I first started directing I always felt like I was going to vomit before every show, that doesn't happen anymore, but when it did, and the show went well, there was always this great feeling of accomplishment. I do know two things, I want to leave Lexington in the future and I plan on sticking with my Masters through the end. What do I have to lose but money? I'm hoping doing an internship this summer will help me decide whether I would enjoy being a librarian or not. And when I graduate, if I get another job in TV instead of a library job, I don't think I'll be upset. Some old man once told me that with my personality he didn't see me enjoying a career in librarianship because it wouldn't challenge me. We shall see, old man.

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